I’ve received this tri action sports bra from the site less bounce
It came wrapped in this stylish pink packaging which is great to fit through your letter box if your not home when they deliver.
This sports bra not only looks great but is essential to wear when exercising. I’ve recently taken up running again and after a little research on the net found out how damaging any high impact exercise is to the tissue in your chest and it can make your bust sag up to 14cm’s! Scary especially since the main reason to exercise is to do your body good. Click here for more information
I can honestly say this is the best sports bra I have ever owned. My last one had a zip to the front which kept breaking plus I could never get it to fit right. This one contains no wires yet is secure and comfortable when exercising plus the straps are Velcro which means it’s so easy to get the perfect fit. It feels really comfortable and I think it’s easy to forget your wearing it. This bra only costs £21.00 which is a small price to pay to exercise healthily.
Less bounce contains a wide array of sports items to help you protect yourself whilst exercising. Delivery costs just £2.50 and they are happy to deliver internationally, plus they are on hand to offer any support. Simply email them for more details. They offer free returns and with every bra they send out you receive sports bra amnesty package so you can send back old bra’s whilst also earning yourself £3 off your next order!
Here’s my favourite items from the site:
Dont forget to use the discount code with your purchase!